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Laid-back dance groove with bluesy guitar and keyboard melodies. The hook will get you humming the tune in no time. Great for parties, celebrations and a really good time. Uplifting Beauty, Sweet, Happy, Flow, Easy, Groovy, Grove, Light, Lovely, Chill, Chilled, R&B, Romantic, Love, Lovers, Passion Passionate, Seductive, Soft, Love, Naked,
Flowing, Freaky, Funky, Jumpy, Lonely, Longing, Marching, Mellow, Playful, Pulsating, Raw, Repetitive, Romantic, Sensitive, Sneaky, Soulful, Striking, Uplifting, Vibrant, Wild
Documentary, Experimental, Flash Animation, Indie, Leisure, Section / Credits, Tragedy, Urban, Video Games

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