Non-musicians often guage the talent of musicians by asking them how many instruments they play. It’s an easy way to make conversation and an easy number to count. As a rule, I always refrain from saying what I really think. A gallon of water can be poured into several glasses or one big jug. Either […]

You’ll see similarities between your PRO membership and your SoundExchange membership: Both memberships are free. Both have a clause that permits you to negotiate deals directly with music buyers when that’s in your best interest (as publishers, we like that flexibility…alot).

The song is “Clash” by Caravan Palace, a collective of DJs and producers based in Paris, France who
specialize in the genre called electro-swing. This is one of those brilliant song licensing choices
that works not because the singer sounds good; or the musicianship is stellar; or the composition is
clever; but rather because the singers’s voice just sounds interesting. It’s like seeing a shade of
blue on an Italian sports car unlike any shade of blue you’ve ever seen. You can’t stop looking at it.

Is there any hope for my little $1,000 ditty?

The November 2014 midterm elections represent the last real opportunity the Democrats have to obtain the super majority that enabled them to pass the Affordable Health Care Act five years ago.  It also puts the Republicans, who have history on their side, in a defensive posture to stop this from happening. Between both parties over $750 […]

Soundminer is a standard by which an audio file can be digitally tagged with information about its creator, its style, where it was recorded, who conducted the orchestra, what microphone was used, which movie scene it was for, which PRO the composer belongs to, etc. In most broadcast or feature film media projects, audio files typically pass through dozens of digital workstations before the final product is rendered.

Most music fans in 2014 can’t imagine a fight breaking out between the notes written on a musical score and the digital recording of a vocalist singing those notes. That’s a stupid distinction – and it would be weird fight to watch. To most listeners, it’s just…the melody. Without Frank Sinatra, the intro to “New […]

At a time when YouTube is the 2nd most used search engine in the world and my 11-year old knows 25 viral videos off the top of his head, this electronic dance music band from Great Britain has found an incredibly effective way to market a song. Just try and watch this sports highlight video […]

So after writing about the music business for many years now and living in what is pretty much a fully digital world that markets to me constantly, I would posit to Mr. Levitin that a seventh type of song needs to be added to his list:

Manipulation Songs

  There are three basic ways that music is used by individuals and businesses. For each of those three ways, there is a specific type of license. (synchronization, public performance and mechanical respectively). It’s important for both music buyers AND the music sellers to have a basic understanding of these three licenses. This infographic is […]